C-S Edition 22'
Creative Industry Summit (C—S) is a platform that emblazons the path for creativity in all aspects, fields and walks of life. This year’s edition branches out into 21 tracks and more that incorporate ingenuity and inspiration; ranging from tracks that bring together and incorporate the region, such as Creativity in KSA, Cannes Lions and Cinematech powered by Gemini, to essential topics such as sustainability and impact, E-Commerce & Tech, Advertising, Media, Marketing & Digital, Event Management, Food Innovation, Sports & E-Gaming, Content Creation as well as Art, Music and Film and Fashion and Photography, as well as so much more! Get a glimpse of what each track has to offer below.
C-S Edition 22' Speakers
Creative Director
Privé Avec Karim
Director and Executive Communications, Africa, Middle East & South Asia
Principal Architect and Founder
Studio KAD
Head of Customer Happiness
ElKhaldy Company
Co Founder
Nigma Galaxy
Acceleration Manager
AUC Venture Lab
Media and Digital Transformation Leader
Head of Cairo Industry Days / Artistic Programmer
Cairo International Film Festival / D-CAF Festival
C-S Edition 22' Sponsors