Nelly Mahmoud

During her professional career journey, Nelly Mahmoud has been exposed to diverse industries such as fashion, real estate, advertising, banking and FINTECH and also to various cultures, regions and work environments such as European, American, Gulf and definitely the Egyptian.

Throughout her career journey of more than 25 years, Nelly has succeeded to drive change within the various organizations she has joined with her solid experience in several scopes such as marketing, communications, strategic branding, advertising, sustainable CSR, internal communications and public relations.

During the past seven years since she has joined EGBANK as Head of Corporate Communications & Marketing, she has worked with the leadership team on completely transforming and re-introducing the bank’s new brand and business proposition that proved rapid growth and solid recognition in the Egyptian market.

Under her current capacity heading both; youth segment services & entrepreneurship and financial inclusion divisions at EGBANK, Nelly worked closely with the Egyptian ecosystem, gaining a solid experience in the areas of entrepreneurship, FINTECH, startups incubation and acceleration and youth capacity building and skills development. As well as growing customers’ portfolio of the bank and onboarding new segments under the scope of Financial Inclusion.

Nelly is graduated from Cairo University, faculty of Mass Communications in 1995 and masters three languages; English, French and Arabic. She is a certified board member by AUC, UN, EIOD and IFC through the Corporate Directors Certification Program (CDCP) in 2020 and certified from London Business School – LBS in Strategic Branding, in 2017. Nelly is also certified by CFTE – EBI in Fintech & Digital Payments. Nelly has been selected among the top 50 influential women in Egypt in 2020, by both TOP50 Women & “Smart Vision” Trackers.

Nelly is currently a member of the Financial Inclusion Committee of the Federation of Egyptian Banks – FEB.

Speaker Details
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  • Job Title
    Chief Officer Marketing, Youth Services & Financial Inclusion
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Speaker Details
  • Country
  • Job Title
    Chief Officer Marketing, Youth Services & Financial Inclusion
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