Tarek Nour is considered to be the father of communications in Egypt, the man
who created the art of communications in the Arab world 49 years ago. He has
worked with presidents and led their communication campaigns and was
instrumental in popularizing the passing of referendums, the most important of
which was the 2014 constitution by having an unprecedented record number of
votes (more than 38%).
He has worked with prime ministers and ministers to communicate government
programs and laws like the famous tax law campaign that has made tax income
number 1 in Egypt’s annual revenue.
He has worked with education, health, environment, trade, tourism ministers
and many government entities.
He is a communication professional.
Professional Experience:
•1970–1975: Al Ahram Computer programmer; simultaneously began his
advertising career in 1973.
•1976: Established Americana Production Company.
•1979: Established the first full service communications agency providing
integrated communication services including: communications campaigns, TV
content production, outdoor communications, media research and all services
related to communication.
•Early 80’s: Established several sister advertising agencies, as well as marketing
•1985: Established the first specialized company in events and exhibitions and
on February 15, 1987, organized “Advista Arabia 1987”, the first Advertising
Conference in Egypt with the theme “Horizons of Arab Advertising”. The event
was attended by more than 1600 marketers and later led to the hosting by Egypt
of the IAA World Congress award.
•1998: Won the “Leadership in advertising in the Arab World” Award in Beirut.
•June 25th, 1998: Awarded “Hall Of Fame” in Egypt.
•Jan 2004: Awarded “Legend in Advertising Award” by the IAA Egypt Chapter.
•August 2008: Went into partnership with DDB worldwide part of the OMNICOM
Group, one of the largest communication and marketing companies in the world.
•2009: Founded a TV network “Al Kahera Wal Nas” a general entertainment and
news network.
Tarek Nour Communications Group today
•Largest private communications group in Egypt, a 700 staff strong
organization. 51% owned by the Nour Family, 49% owned by DDB, a company of
Personal Life
•Married to Laurie Nour, an American born with one son, Karim. Laurie is the
manager of the family’s investments. Karim is the chairman of the TN Holding
Group. Karim is married to Sara Nour, a Swiss German. Sara oversees operations
at Desert Lakes Farm, 1000 acres of organic agricultural production. Sara is the
founder of “Sara and Lara’s Baskets” and won the Cartier’s Women’s Initiation
Award for North Africa and the Middle East in 2017. Tarek has 2
granddaughters, Lara & Taya.
Achievements & Milestones
•1973: Pioneer in the advertising field shaping the industry, as we know it today.
•1984: The first to establish specialized exhibitions.
•1992: The first to modernize Egyptian retail by establishing the largest
supermarket chain in Egypt in order to gain accurate and actual market
•2002: Masterminded the public service campaign for theChildren’s Cancer
Children’s Hospital, the largest in the Arab world. Revenue to date is
approximately $8 BILLION.
•2017: Tarek Nour is now the consultant of 22 companies, all in the
communication industry and all owned by the TN Holding Group. In addition, he
is a consultant for “Al Kahera Wal Nas” TV network.
He also works as a consultant for the state public campaigns.
Nour says:
“Every subject has another angle, every word invented by mankind has another
meaning, and everything in this universe has a different concept.
God give me the gift of imagination and the ability to understand this changing world.