Ramez Youssef

Ramez Youssef
Serial Entrepreneur – Creative Incubator – Team Builder

An architectural engineer at mind, a stand-up comedian in soul, and a serial entrepreneur, whose philosophy is about chasing dreams to create a real impact in businesses and societies at large.

Ramez co-founded Tayarah World, in 2014, to become Egypt’s first untraditional advertising boutique and veteran content hub, where he is also the Chief Commercial Director, and leads on the agency’s creative strategies & brands’ direction. He is responsible for curating the agency’s business model with focus on value creation, and has launched the essence and unique selling proposition of the company through its distinctive offering, Value-tainment, which is the key differentiator between Tayarah and all other creative agencies, where he is responsible for diverse first-of-its-kind digital formats & innovations that have sparked dialogue and impacted brand narratives in the digital arena.

He has also taken the agency to new heights through his popular social media face that has since attracted and impacted the narratives of ample celebrities and brands alike. He started his social media influential capabilities through the “Mish Impossible” content series that compiled Egypt’s first online content magazine in 2011. His popularity on social media has attracted celebrities, who seek out Tayarah to pave their digital footprint through personal storytelling. It is this unique relationship with Egypt’s veteran and young celebrities that has set Tayarah apart since its inception.

Being a digital media trailblazer, Ramez has recently launched his second business, Society of Play, that takes experiential marketing to the next level, and is the haven where he is able to practice his true passion: Playing! SOP is an innovative marketing concept that opens doors to new heights of consumer experiences with brands. The emotional experiences involved on-ground create sustainable consumer-brand relationships beyond the activation. SOP is innovative, progressive and opens doors to consumer experiences like never before.

Ramez has taken his playfulness a couple of notches up through Alzomra, his latest business venture, which targets Egypt’s future generation: children, and where he feels he can have an authentic social impact. Alzomra empowers the Arab identity, which is the foundation for the nation’s growth & sustainability. Through educational on-ground experiences, children get the chance to develop a passion for their Arabic identity through positive learning activations.

Travel & nature is what nurtures Ramez’s soul, who is a strong advocate of vacations and regular breaks to sustain one’s creativity and productivity. Being kind and accepting of other people’s differences is where he finds true strength and power.

Speaker Details
  • Country
  • Job Title
    Co-founder Tayarah & Society of Play
  • Company
    Tayarah - Society of Play
Speaker Details
  • Country
  • Job Title
    Co-founder Tayarah & Society of Play
  • Company
    Tayarah - Society of Play