Mohamed Rizk

I’ve been fortunate enough to spend most of my career life in entrepreneurship and technology. I had my first idea, a pen shape tool with image processing technology to help architects and product designers to sketch and present 3D designs faster and more intuitive during my masters in entrepreneurship in Lund, Sweden where I self-taught programming and graphic design.

After realizing the huge gap in Egypt in e-Commerce and Fashion, I decided to move back to Egypt with my best friends from Sweden and build, the fastest growing online fashion platform for emerging markets with Prior that I spent my fair share in Corporates, selling software with SAP & IBM in the MENA region.

My purpose is to build tech-driven businesses. Create family cultures within the company and grow it to a nation. and Bring unique value to our end customers and investors.

Competence: Idea generation, value creation, software engineering, business planning, organisational building, go-to-market strategy, business development, graphic design, and investor pitching.

Speaker Details
  • Job Title
    Founder and CEO
  • Company
Speaker Details
  • Job Title
    Founder and CEO
  • Company