Dina started her career in advertising in DDB Needham and ended her career in advertising in
Leo Burnett after working on a huge portfolio of big clients among which were Mobinil , Philip
Morris, Ahram Beverages, Heinz when in 2003 she decided to shift her career to the media
agencies world where she joined Starcom Cairo and grew there till she reached a media director
level continuing to work on Mobinil back then , Savola, Master Foods, Cadbury, Mercedes Benz,
and others then she moved to UM Cairo as the managing director and managed to grow UM
from a medium sized media agency to one of the top 2 agencies in town , in 2017 she co-founded
Green Production and created several formats among which Crazy market that was aired last
September 2018 and has been leading her team to create formats that can compete not only
locally but more importantly globally.
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