Ahmed Rashad

Ahmed Rashad is a transformation management and business development consultant and executive coach. He is also a contributing writer for Entrepreneur and Think Marketing Magazine.
Ahmed helps fast growing organizations and leaders unlock their growth potential by leading organizational change and executing their strategies Throughout the organization and develop leadership capabilities.
Ahmed’s focus is helping Senior leaders in Mid size organizations and family Businesses kick their growth initiatives in high gear by having a strong Business Development Strategy, clear communication plans and sound leadership to Sustain continuous growth.
Ahmed has extensive experience in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, healthcare and E commerce companies both on the operational and commercial side in the United States, North Africa and the Middle East.
Ahmed holds a Bachelor and Master degree in Plastic and Biomedical Specialization Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, has multiple certifications in General Management and Leadership. Has dual citizenship American and Egyptian

Speaker Details
  • Country
  • Job Title
    Management consultant and founder of business بالعربي
  • Company
    Business بالعربي
Speaker Details
  • Country
  • Job Title
    Management consultant and founder of business بالعربي
  • Company
    Business بالعربي